Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What I do: Introduction and index

OK, I get a lot of questions (from friends and family) about what it is that I do, specifically in terms of my research. So, I'm going to start posting to this blog with some background and updates about said research. This page will serve as the basic introduction, and I will link to any updates here as well. In addition, I will try and make sure I tag any such post with the "What I Do" tag, so you can search for them all.

The basic introduction is this: I'm a Ph.D. student, studying at the University of Manchester. I'm in the Microelectronics and Nanostructures (M&N) group, which is within the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. I started in September 2005 on a 3-4 year course; I'm hoping to finish in early 2009.

The area, and approximate title of my research is Quantum Dots: Electrical Characterisation and Novel Nanofabrication Methods. Isn't that exciting? In the coming weeks and months, I hope to add posts to the list of "What I Do" explanatory posts, so that anyone who cares what I do will be able to at least understand the gist of that title, and the research it represents.

Stay tuned...

Index of "What I Do" posts:
  • Coming Soon...

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